Rauf Denktaş
Türklider Rauf Raif Denktaş Özgeçmişi
Yıllar boyu Kıbrıs Türkleri'nin haklı davasını savunarak onların özgürlük savaşının önderliği yaptığı, hiç bir zorluk ve engellemeye karşı boyun eğmeden sabırla ve inatla doğru bulduğu davada hedefe doğru koştuğu, ülkesini, milletini ve vatanını seven bir lider olarak Kıbrıs Türkü'ne hizmet verdiği için 2005 yılında, Rauf Denktaş, siyasi liderlik dalında, 'Türklider' seçilmiştir.
Rauf Raif Denktas 27 Ocak 1924 yilinda Kibris'in Baf Kasabasinda dogmus olup merhum Hakim Mehmet Raif efendi'nin dördüncüve son çocugudur. Ilkokul egitimini Istanbul ve Kibris'ta yapmistir.
1941-1942 ders yilinda Lefkosa Ingiliz Okulundan mezun olmustur. Türk toplumunun problemleriyle ilgilenmesi, Halkin Sesi Gazetesinde toplum konularinda yazi yazmaya basladigi 1942 yilina kadar geriye gider.
O zamandan beri Kibris Türklerinin karsilaitigi hemen her problemleyakindan ilgilenmistir. 1941'de Ingiliz Okulundan mezun olmus, Magosa'da tercümanlik, Mahkemede memuriyrttrn sonra bir yil da Ingiliz Okulunda ögretmenlik yapmistir.
Rauf R. Denktas 1944 yilinda Ingiltere'ye giderek Hukuk tahsili yapmis ve 1947 yilinda Lincoln's Inn'den mezun olmustur. Ayni yil Kibris'a dönüp Avukatliga baslamistir. 1948 yilinda zamanin Kibris Valisi Lord Winster tarafindan kurulan Anayasa Konseyinde üye olarak çalismistir. 1949 yilinda Savciliga atanmis ve 1958 yilina kadar bu görevi yürütmüstür.
Hukuk konularindaki yetenegi sayesinde kisa zamanda birçok vatandasin takdir ve saygisini kazanmistir. Lord Winster'in olusturdugu Türk Isleri Komisyonunda da görev yapmis, Aile Hukuku, Müftülük, Ortaokullarin halka devri, Evkaf'in halka devri gibi temel toplum konularinda Dr. Fazil Küçük ve arkadaslarinin verdikleri mücadelede etkin rol oynamis, bilahare, Savcilikta, bu konularla ilgili yasalari hazirlayip, bunlarin onaylanmasini saglamistir. Savcilik günlerinde Hapishane Nizamati ve mahkumlara yapilan muamele konusunda Koloni Idaresine karsi uyarici ve gelismelere yol açan çetin mücadelesi olmustur.
1954'te Grivas'in adaya çikmasiyla baslayan ve 1955 Nisan'inda terror eylemlerine dönüsen Enosis mücadelesi karsisinda uzun bir sure, tehdit ve baskilara ragmen teröristlerin adalete teslimi için ugrasmis, bu arada Rum terror teskilati EOKA hakkinda yaptigi tesbitler, Kibris Türklerinin direnise yön vermekte ve karsilasilan tehditlerin boyutlarini dünyaya segilemekte etkin olmustur.
Bu arada Halkin Sesi'ne yazilar yazmaga devam etmis, toplumsal faaliyetlerin içinde kalmistir. Ancak Rumlarin gittikçe yogunlasan iç ve dis örgütlenmesi karsisinda resmi kapasitedetopluma geregi kadar yardimda bulunamiyacagini hissettiginden, 1957 yili sonunda istifasini sunmus, fakat bu istifa 1958 Subat ayina kadar Kabul edilmemistir. Hükümetteki görevinden istifa ettikten sonra toplum problemlerinde daha aktif bir rol oynamaya baslamis ve Kibris Türk Kurumlari Federasyonu Baskanligina seçilmistir.
1958 Ocak olaylari ve bunu takip eden aylarzarfinda halkin karsilastigi çesitli problemlerle ugrasmak zorunda kalmistir. Türk davasina Dünya kamuoyunun dikkatini çekmek için o zamanyayinlanmaya baslayan Halkin Sesi Gazetesinin haftalik Ingilizce nüshasinin hazirlanmasinda da önemli rol oynayan Rauf R. Denktas, bu arada EOKA teröristleri karsisinda Türk toplumunu siyasi, iktisadi, sosyal alanlarda örgütlenmis, arkadaslari ile birlikte TMT'nin temelini atmistir.
Rauf R. Denktas 1958-1959 yillarinda New York, Londra ve diger önemli baskentlerde Kibris Türklerinin davasini savunmustur. 1959'da Zürih Anlasmalarina Kibris Türklerinin hak ve statüsünü belirleyen maddelerin girmesine, Türkiye'nin garantisinin Kibris Türk Alayi ile perçinlenmesinde etkin rolü olmus ve 1960 Anlasmalari ve Anayasa'nin hazirlanmasinda emegi geçmis, Anayasa Komisyonunda Kibris Türk Heyetinin Baskanligini yapmistir. Atina ve Londra konferanslarinda Kibris Türklerinin haklarini savunmustur. 1960 yilinda Türk cemaat Meclisi Baskanligi ile Icra Komitesi Baskanligina seçilmesinden sonra Kibris Türk Kurumlari Federasyonundaki görevinden istifa etmistir. Cemaat Meclisi'nin kurulusu ile bu Meclisin tüm organlarini kurarak, halka güvenilir bir teskilat kazandirmis, bu arada, Rumlarin, Anayasa'daki Türk haklarina vaki tecavüzleri karsisinda Anayasa mahkemesinde Türk haklarini cesaretle savunmustur. Denktas 1960-1963 yillari arasinda NACAK gazetesini çikarmistir.
21 aralik 1963 tarihinde Türk toplumuna karsi yöneltilen Rum saldirilarinin baslamasi üzerine 1964 Ocak ayinda Londra'da düzenlenen Besli Konferansa katilmis ve Kibris Türklerinin davasini savunmustur. 20 Subat 1964 tarihinde ise Türk toplumu adina Birlesmis Milletlser Güvenlik Konseyi'nde bir konusma yapmis, Rumlarin, 1960 saldirilari ile ortaklik hükümetini yiktiklarina dikkat çekmistir. Denktas, o tarihten sonra Makarios yönetimi tarafindan kanunsuz olarak
Rauf Denktaş, 13 Ocak 2012 tarihinde vefat etmiştir... . . .
Rauf Raif Denktaş (or Denktash) (born 26 January 1924) (died on 13 January 2012) is the founder and the first president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), a de facto state which is only recognized by Turkey. He was the first President of the TRNC, holding that position from 1983 to 2005.
Rauf Denktaş
Early career
Denktaş was born in Paphos to judge Raif Mehmet Bey (1882-1941) and Enime Hanim, Turkish Cypriots. He graduated from The English School, Nicosia in Cyprus. Following his graduation he worked as a translator in Famagusta after that as a court clerk and then as a teacher for one year in the English School. He later went to London and trained first as a teacher and then as a barrister at Lincoln's Inn. He graduated in 1947 and returned home to practise as a lawyer.
In 1948 Denktaş served as a member of the Consultative Assembly in search of self-government for Cyprus and became a member of the Turkish Affairs Committee. In 1949 he started working as a crown prosecutor, where he remained until 1958.
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In 1957, Denktaş helped found the Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT), an organization, that was formed to resist EOKA's struggle to proclaim Enosis (union with Greece) and worked for the partition of Cyprus. In 1958, he attended the U.N. General Assembly on behalf of the Turkish-Cypriots, and in December of that year he advised the Turkish Government on the rights of Turkish Cypriots during the preparation of the Zürich Agreement (signed 19 February 1959). In 1960, Cyprus won independence from Britain, and the Republic of Cyprus was established. Denktaş was elected as the President of the Turkish Communal Chamber.
In November 1963 President Makarios gave for review to Turkey, Greece and Britain a document with a series of constitutional amendments designed to loosen the acquired rights of Turkish Cypriots in the name of "the workings of the state". Then the paramilitary action against the Turks began in December 1963, after which Turkish-Cypriots forcedly withdrew from government. Upon these events, Denktaş went to Ankara for consultation with Turkish government. His entry to the island was prohibited by the Greek-Cypriot leadership in years 1964-68 due to his involvement with TMT.
After the 15 July 1974 Greek ultra-nationalist military coup in Cyprus, Turkey unilaterally invaded by landing troops on the north coast of Cyprus. Although during the military operation the dictatorship fell and constitutional order was restored to Cyprus, Turkey continued to advance. The Turkish Army took control 37% of the island by the time it completed its second advance on 14 August 1974 and reached Famagusta. Denktaş was subsequently elected President of the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus in 1976 and for a second term in 1981.
He played a key role in the 1983 Unilateral Declaration of Independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and was elected as the President of the TRNC in 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000.[1]
The TRNC has never been recognised by the United Nations or any state other than Turkey. Denktaş has been the chief negotiator of Turkish Cypriots in the United Nations sponsored peace talks since 1968.
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Since 2000
By 2000, the desire of both Cyprus and Turkey to join the EU led to renewed efforts to reach a settlement. In 2002 there were large demonstrations in northern Cyprus by Turkish Cypriots demanding reunification of the island, which would give them EU citizenship when Cyprus joined the EU in 2004. In December 2003 Denktaş's party suffered heavy losses in legislative elections, suggesting that his days as the unchallenged leader of the Turkish Cypriots were coming to an end.
In February 2004 Denktaş embarked on a new round of UN sponsored talks with the Greek Cypriots, aimed at re-uniting Cyprus. Ultimately, as did the Greek Cypriot President Tassos Papadopulous, he opposed the final version of the settlement proposal drafted under the authority of the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (the Annan Plan), which was voted on by the two Cypriot communities in a referendum on 24 April 2004. The plan was accepted by 65% of the Turkish community, but was rejected by a vast majority of the Greeks.
On 14 May 2004, Denktaş announced he would not be standing for a fifth term as President of the TRNC in the next election. His tenure as President came to an end following the 17 April 2005 election of Mehmet Ali Talat, who formally assumed office on 25 April.[2]
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Personal life and awards
His favourite pastimes include photography and writing. His photographs have been in exhibitions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, former republics of the Soviet Union, Poland, France, Austria and Turkey. He has written about fifty books in English and Turkish. Between the years 1949 and 1957 he wrote many articles for the newspaper Halkın Sesi (Voice of the Nation), published by Dr Fazil Küçük, the first Vice President of the Republic of Cyprus.
Denktaş has been the recipient of many awards and honorary doctorates given by various universities in Turkey, the 'TRNC' and the United States. He is married and has one son and two daughters. He lost one son in a traffic accident and another son in a tonsillectomy. His surviving son Serdar Denktaş is also a politician, and as of 2007, leader of the northern Cypriot Democratic Party.
Denktaş is an honorary member of The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
Books by Denktaş
Saadet Sırları - Secrets of Happiness, 1941
Ateşsiz Cehennem - Hell without Fire, 1944
Criminal Cases, 1953-54
A Handbook of Criminal Cases, 1955
12'ye 5 Kala - 5 to 12, 1964-66
The Cyprus Problem, 1968
The Akritas Plan, 1968
A Short Discourse on Cyprus, 1972
Gençlerle Başbaşa - Alone with Youngsters, 1981
The Cyprus Triangle, 1982
Gençlerle Hasbihal - Conversation with the Youth, 1982
Cyprus Problem in a Nutshell, 1983
Gençlere Öğütler - Advice to the Youth, 1985
Kadın ve Dünya - Woman and The World, 1985
Kuran'dan İlhamlar - Inspiration from The Qur'an, 1986
İmtihan Dünyası - A World of Examination, 1986
Yarınlar İçin - For Tomorrow, 1986
UN Speeches on Cyprus, 1986
Seçenekler ve Kıbrıs Türkleri - The Options and The Turkish Cypriots, 1986
Cyprus, An Indictment and Defence, 1987
The Cyprus Problem 23rd Year, 1987
My Vision for Cyprus, 1988
Atatürk, Din ve Laiklik - Atatürk, Religion and Laïcité, 1989
Gençlerle Sohbet - Discussion with Youth, 1990
Kıbrıs'ta Bitmeyen Kavga - Unending Fight in Cyprus, 1991
Kıbrıs Davamız - Our Cyprus Issue, 1991
İlk Altı Ay - The First Six Months, 1991
What is the Cyprus Problem, 1991
A Challenge on Cyprus, 1990-91
Denktaş As A Photographer, Images From Northern Cyprus, 1991
The Cyprus Problem and the Remedy, 1992, Nicosia (Lefkoşa)
From My Album, 1992
O Günler - Those days, 1993, Nicosia
Images From Northern Cyprus, 1993
Vizyon - The Vision, 1994, Nicosia
Kapılar - The Doors, 1995, Nicosia
Observations on the Cyprus Dispute, 1996
Kıbrıs Meselesinde Son Durum - The Latest Situation in Cyprus Issue, 1996, Nicosia
Rum Yunan İkilisi: İstenmeyen Cumhuriyetten Nereye? - Cypriot Greek Duo: Where to from the Unwanted Republic, 1996, Nicosia
Karkot Deresi - Karkot Stream, 1996
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, I. cilt (1964) - Memoirs of Rauf Denktaş, 1964-74, volume I (1964), 1996
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, II. cilt (1965), 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, III. cilt (1966), 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, IV. cilt (1967), 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, V. cilt (1968), 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, VI. cilt (1969), 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, VII. cilt (1970), 1997
Kalbimin Sesi - The voice of my heart, 1997
In Search of Justice, 1997
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, VIII. cilt (1971-72), 1998
Rauf Denktaş'ın Hatıraları, 1964-74, IX. cilt (1973-74), 1999
Hatıralar, Toplayış, X. cilt - Memoirs, Putting It Together, vol X, 2000
Note: The translations of the titles in Turkish is not necessarily the actual English title |